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  Notes Validity period
Group Lessons
  1. Four session courses include four coaching tutorials, two self-practice sessions, free skates and protective gear. None of the above is transferrable. Each lesson includes 1 free visitor ticket for a companion.
  2. Each coaching session is 2.5 hours (group sessions include 1 hour lessons and 1.5 hour practice; private tutorials include 40 minute tutorials and 1 hour 50 minutes practice.), each self-practice sessions is 2 hours. The validity period of the self-practice sessions is within 45 days of the first lesson. No refund is given to students who leave early.
  3. Private Tutorials receive a 20% discount with valid regular/training/learning cards. Without these, students need to pay the price differences before class.
  4. Weekday students need to pay the price difference if they wish to take weekend sessions. Weekend students may take weekday sessions, but will not be given any refund. Weekend mean Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays and Winter/Summer Vacation.
  5. Students who purchase the four-session package should complete their course (including coaching tutorials and self-practices) within the period (45 days of the first lesson). If students wish to take more classes after the 45 day period, they will be charged for single-sessions before they may participate.
Within 45 days of the first lesson
Private Tutorials

(1)The minimum number required for group lessons is 4 students. If there are less than 4 students, the group will be merged with another. To maintain teaching quality, the maximum number of students is 20. Class reservations are on a first come first served basis. Registration may not be possible if classes have already reached the maximum number of students.
(2)Students taking group lessons must make reservations by phone or in person at least one day before class. Cancellations must be made at least 3 hours before class starts. If the student fails to cancel the reservations on time or is absent without notification more than twice, only reservations in person will be accepted from then on.
(3) Session durations are subject to appointment. No making up time or sessions will be given if students are late or leave early for personal reasons.
(4) Customers should confirm rink reservation and appointment times with the coach before purchasing ice hockey tutorials. The rink will only be leased to persons who have completed these reservations. Please refer to our website for more details on rink reservations.

2. Admission
(1) Lesson cards are not transferrable.
(2) Before class, present your lesson card at the counter to get your skating ticket. Valid ID may be requested for verification if necessary
(3) Absence from booked private lessons with more than one student are considered as waiver of the rights to the class.
(4) Please consider your own skill level and wear full protective gear to avoid accidents, as the ice can be very slippery. 
(5) Lesson or self-practice overtime will result in additional charges.

§Extension Policy§
1. Persons who have purchased lessons but are unable to complete the course within the 45 day period due to injury/ pregnancy, nursery needs for infants under six months, military duty, relocation due to employment, or other reasons no attributable to the buyer, may apply for an extension of no longer than 45 days by presenting relevant documents of proof at the service counter and filling out the “Taipei Arena Ice Land Ice Skating Lesson Extension Form”. Lesson cards cannot be used while registered as suspended. 
2. If Taipei Arena Ice Land is closed to the public for competition events or other reasons, the validity of the training card will automatically be extended in ratio to the unavailable days.

§Refund Policy§
If the purchaser is unable to continue using it for any reason, please apply for a refund at the service counter for the remaining value and following these restriction as below:
1. Refund period: Students who want a refund need to apply within seven days of the first session, by presenting both their receipt of purchase and training card. Refund will be given in the same way as the payment method (e.g. If you paid by credit card, the same card must be used for the refund, minus processing fees.)
2. Admission fees and lessons already taken are deducted from the refund. Used lesson fees are subject to single session charges. Admission fees are calculated according to the discount the customer qualified for. E.g. If 4 private 1-to-1 sessions were purchased (NT. $3,400), and subsequently a refund is requested, NTD 1,020 would be deducted for each coaching tutorial and NT$330 for weekdays or NT$350 for holidays, would be deducted for each self-practice session, including admission and gear rental.

§Loss and Replacement§
If a lesson card is damaged or lost, the customer (or legal guardian or trustee thereof) must complete a “Taipei Arena Ice Land Ice Skating Lesson Loss Loss and Replacement Form” at our service counter to apply for a replacement.

1. Students must choose between refund and extension, and apply within the restricted time period. Applications are only accepted once.
2. The free visitor tickets provided with the course may not be used as substitute for any other fees or tickets.
3. Users must observe the “Regulations for the Use of Ice Land” and “Taipei Arena Sub Hall (Ice Land) Venue Hiring Fees”.
4. For more information and services, call the Taipei Ice Land service counter on 02-2578-3536 ext.701-703